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The Ego is a Black Hole

Uncategorized May 02, 2024

The ego is the black hole of Consciousness that devours the light that illuminates our divine essence. The profound experience of separation creates the perpetual grasping for completeness. But the grasping for “some other” is another action of the ego, perpetually pulling its own misunderstanding back on itself. That which you seek outside of yourself is already present inside of you.

Divine essence is ever-present within us, and because it is our essence, we must respond to that truth with something more than, “isn’t that nice?” Many of us have a deep aspiration and intent to live this highest knowledge in the face of everything that tries to prevent us from doing so. The greatest masters of many traditions have told us that in order to have a direct experience that we are this divine essence, all we need to do is to recognize that truth. Some of the greatest masters within the Tantric Tradition emphatically state that...

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Become a Sky Dancer

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2024

In our sādhana there are times when we must make a concerted effort to work harder, to open a greater depth in ourselves. At other times, if we can easily make contact with an expanded inner awareness, we can simply remain at ease in that place and allow it to open and reveal itself in stillness. Both approaches are correct, but we must use our discrimination to know which is appropriate at any given time.

If we feel contracted — perhaps because we have projected our energy and attention outside of ourselves — we must first connect back into a place of openness. Once we make that effort, we can simply let that inner state show itself.

We can best understand this by looking at what Tantric tradition calls the upāyas, the triadic means to liberation. They are āṇavopāya, the path of effort; śāktopāya, the path of energy; and śāmbhavopāya, the path of awareness.

The Three Upāyas

The effort in āṇavopāya is to direct our awareness inside, which is best summed up by the basic...

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The Door of the Heart

Uncategorized Apr 04, 2024

A student reported to me recently that a closed door had appeared on his heart chakra, and he wondered what it meant. My response was, “How beautiful to have the door to the heart show up!”

If we perceive an inner portal, God’s message is: Here. Open this door. We could interpret this opening in two ways. The first is that we can open the door to let ourselves out, so that our consciousness is free to fly and expand into the sky of Consciousness. The second is that we can open the door and let God in. Of course, God is already within us, but we can open and be willing to receive a deeper knowledge that might appear to be descending into us. 

Both approaches imply an expansion from our limited, contracted self. Because that individuation is really God’s expression of Himself in limited form, we can expand beyond our capacities of experience, knowledge, and awareness and become immersed in our Source, which is infinite Awareness. Whichever way we...

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The Great Mystery

Uncategorized Mar 14, 2024

In the American Indian Lakota view, from Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit, there came a great unifying life force that flowed in and through all things — the flowers of the plains, blowing winds, rocks, trees, birds, the buffalo, and all animals... Thus, all things were kindred, and were brought together by the same Great Mystery. It filled their being with the joy and mystery of living; it gave them reverence for all life; it made a place for all things in the scheme of existence with equal importance to all. — Chief Luther Standing Bear

There are many traditions that convey the same essential message to us: That the purpose of life is to discover this Great Mystery. Nondual Tantric tradition explicitly tells us that there is a unifying living force that creates all of life, perpetually vibrating and expressing Its very nature — and that Supreme Consciousness (Śiva), through Its inherent power (Kuṇḍalinī Śakti), manifests all form for the singular purpose of...

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Dimensions of Our Awareness

Uncategorized Feb 29, 2024

When you look into the “lake of clear reflection” you see God. You see yourself.

A human being is an extraordinarily complex matrix of energy and consciousness, a miniature version of the matrix of energy and Consciousness that is the fabric of the Universe. That infinite matrix distills itself into our individuality, into human form. In that distillation there is nothing lost, there is reduction of the infinite potential and multiple dimensions of consciousness inherent in that Pure Awareness.

Since we are made of Pure Awareness, nothing in us is “bad.” It is imperative that we approach our individuality and humanness from this understanding and seek to uncover our unity with God. With this as our intent, we can use our capacity for self-inquiry to recognize all the different dimensions of our humanness, of the fabric from which we have been woven.

The level of consciousness in us we call ego does not have the capacity to see the fullness of what we are...

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Run-On Complaints

Uncategorized Feb 15, 2024

Life is profound only in its simplicity — Swami Rudrananda

In direct contrast to Rudi’s words, I hear statements like this on a regular basis from students: I am living through a psychic purification, karmic purging, ancestral release, mind-bending emotional cleansing. . . I’m doing the best I can in this totally debilitating time, and I am going to babble-talk endlessly about it, so don’t expect me to remain simple and full of clarity of intent right now.

If Rudi had heard any variation of this perpetually-repeated sentiment, he would have forcefully suggested that the individual “Stop talking like a horse’s ass!” Unfortunately, we often want to project all the reasons why we cannot simply live in an open heart.

The Fire of Transformation

Sādhana can be described as the fire of transformation. That transformation happens in the suṣumṇa (the central channel), also known as the śmaśāna, or cremation ground. Ours in not the only tradition that...

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A Day in the Life — With an Open Heart

Uncategorized Feb 01, 2024

Students often wonder where they should direct their attention during meditation and throughout the day — the heart? The suṣumṇa? The crown? The answer is “all of the above.”

Be sure to begin each day by opening your heart. Take a conscious breath as soon as you awake, opening deeply inside as you bring your attention into the heart cakra. After that, your morning meditation will further establish you in that openness so you can begin the day from there.

There is a tendency to rush into activity: we grab our phones to check email and feel the pressure of the things we must do that day. When that happens, we can easily forget to meditate!

After we meditate in the morning, the double-breath exercise helps us sustain this openness throughout the day. This is important, because from openness we are able to stay in contact with the flow of vital force within. We want to establish ourselves in flow so that we can engage the dynamics of life from a place of fullness...

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Turn the Spark Into a Blaze

Uncategorized Jan 18, 2024

One must seek the shortest path and the fastest means to get back home, to turn the spark within into a blaze; to be merged in and to identify with the greater fire that ignited the spark.
—Bhagavan Nityananda

Nityananda’s words describe sādhana as the process of being aflame with the desire to know our Source. Through our own volition, we are able to reach inside and rekindle the ember of awareness that has almost been completely extinguished beneath the density of our misunderstanding. We unintentionally cover up this spark when we perpetuate our own ignorance, our ingrained belief that we are separate from God. What we say we want most in life is often not what we pursue. Therefore, we must ask ourselves honestly if we are fanning the flame of awareness, or if we are extinguishing it.

The third century saying, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” originally referred to mundane love and desire, but we can apply this maxim to how we perceive the beauty...

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The Cloth of Joy and Freedom

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2024

Śiva moves through the Sky of Consciousness as the embodied and liberated sādhaka who wears the cloth of joy and freedom, intricately woven with the Divine Thread.

There is no greater joy for me than to talk about God — and specifically, about the perpetual possibility available to each of us to know that directly, in ourselves. The realization of our highest Self is the very purpose of this life, and it is so extraordinary that we can truly recognize and live the joy of that experience moment by moment, every day.

We are the life that emerges from pure Consciousness, from what Bhagavan Nityananda called The Sky of Consciousness. As Śiva creates life, he moves through his own Sky of Consciousness, which is within Him. From the perspective of our nondual tradition, there is only one thing in existence: there is only Consciousness and Its emergent quality of freedom. Tradition also tells us that Śiva manifests all of creation because of the desire to express the overflowing joy...

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Winter Immersion - The Heart of Recognition

Uncategorized Dec 05, 2023

This year’s Winter Immersion on Maui will be focusing on the 11th century text called the Pratyabhijñā-hṛdayam. The title means the heart of recognition and it is one of the greatest texts of the tantric trika tradition.

Written by Kṣhemarāja, a student of Abhinavagupta, this scripture focuses on the direct insight of our own divinity — of awareness becoming aware of awareness. What’s especially powerful is that the entire discussion is in the form of a dialogue with the Goddess Śakti, suggesting that She is the supreme power.

The text discusses being absorbed into, or pervaded by, Pure Consciousness, and that there is never a separation between the power that pervades us and the power we use to offer ourselves into that absorption.

One of the key sections is Chapter 18, which talks specifically about the liberation of kuṇḍalinī, that supreme power within each of us. During the two weeks of the program, I will be giving a series of meditations which open...

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