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Dimensions of the Central Channel – Part 1

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2025

There are four dimensions of the central channel, each nested inside the other like a telescoping antenna. The outer sheath is the Suᚣumṇa Nāḍī (the grossest channel, which goes from the base of the spine to the ajna cakra), next is the Vajra Nāḍī (from the base of the spine to the center of the head), then the Citriṇī Nāḍī (from the base of the spine to the crown). These three are all pathways for Śakti, or energy. The fourth and subtlest dimension is the Brahmanāḍī, which I call the Divine Thread.          

The Divine Thread is the rising light of pure Consciousness. It expresses Itself as the Citriṇī, Vajra, and the Suṣumṇa, as well as the Iḍā and the Piṅgala (the nāḍīs that are our mental, emotional, and physical self). The Brahmanāḍī extends to the space approximately twelve fingers above the head, to a space called dvādaśānta. This is the abode of Parā, the dwelling place of the powers of Consciousness that are will, knowledge,...

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Liberation Comes After Freedom From Ego

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2025

Don’t misunderstand — freeing yourself from all of your tensions, stories, and projections is just the prerequisite for freeing yourself from the experience of separation. Freeing yourself of those only frees you from your ego. Surrendering from that place frees us from our misunderstanding of being separate from God.

Every discussion about sādhana can be boiled down to this question: Are you open or are you closed? We are either living in freedom or in the bondage and contraction that is ego — the part of us that fights to maintain an individual identity separate from God. Both freedom and bondage exist with us, and the aspect we feed with our attention is what will grow.

The purpose of sādhana is to free ourselves from egoic tension and contracted awareness so that we may gain the freedom and clarity of knowing who we really are. This perpetual tension is reinforced by the stories and projections we live in, because that is where we put our energy. It’s...

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The Power of Śakti

nathaji's blog Jan 09, 2025

KuṇḍalinÄŤ is the volcanic flow of śakti that burns away all obscurity as She erupts into the central channel and our awareness. 

I often say that devotion is the full measure of surrender and in the practice of Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana, we discover that this means allowing the powerful force of śakti within us to do its work.

We can describe that energy in many ways, but in the context of KuṇḍalinÄŤ Sādhana we are talking about Śiva’s Śakti — about the energy through which Pure Consciousness expresses and manifests Its primal urge, which is the expansion of fullness, freedom, and joy. All form arises and subsides on the field Consciousness, and this happens without Śiva losing any sense of Oneness. Manifestation comes into existence through KuṇḍalinÄŤ Śakti, and in the nondual Trika tradition She is known as the Goddess Parā. Her primary attributes are that She is the power of will, knowledge, and action, the energies that Śiva uses to express His innate joy into form, into...

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Consciousness Has No Locality

nathaji's blog Dec 19, 2024

If Consciousness and energy are present everywhere, how do we connect to them? Are they located somewhere we can feel them?

Consciousness, in its broadest sense, has no locality, because it is present everywhere, and yet we can experience it in a location. We can touch it in our heart, in our mind, and even in our toes and in the world around us.

Energy is the power of Consciousness. The two are never separate, but it is through energy (śakti) that divine Consciousness manifests everything in creation. Pure Consciousness, through Its own autonomous power of śakti, expresses all of life — including our own — on the field of Its own Oneness. And yet, except for the rare person, the capacity to recognize that omnipresent field of Consciousness is not apparent. Although I do give practices that guide students to directly becoming aware of awareness, the secret of Tantric practices is that śakti is the pathway back to its source, which is Consciousness.

How can you see the...

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Letting Go Of Identity and The Levels Of The Suṣumṇa

Uncategorized Dec 05, 2024

Letting go of identity is one of the fundamental aspects of spiritual growth. In our practice, we can view the progression of that transformation in relationship to penetrating deeper and deeper into the levels of the suᚣumṇa. So let’s begin by exploring those dimensions of the suᚣumṇa in order to understand how accessing them would affect our sense of identity.

There are four dimensions of that central channel. You can think of them as being like a telescoping antenna, one dimension/extension with the next. What most people call the suᚣumṇa is actually the outermost channel that goes from the base of the spine to the center of the eyebrows — to the ājñā cakra. Cakras are located at the points where the energy channels known as the iḍā and piṅgala cross the suᚣumṇa. Although we often say that there are “seven cakras,” there are in reality only six, as the crossing of those major channels stops at the ājñā cakra.

Looking deeper within, the next,...

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Unconditional Bliss

Uncategorized Nov 14, 2024

The Self is the dearest of all things, and only through the Self is anything else dear. The Self is the origin of all finite happiness, but it is itself pure bliss, transcending definition. It remains unaffected by deeds, good or bad. It is beyond feeling and beyond knowledge, but it is not beyond the meditation of the sage. —Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad

All great traditions tell us that our true nature is that of the divine Self, whose nature is unconditional bliss—yet the presence of this eternal bliss is meaningless unless we consciously make contact with it. If bliss is ever-present within us but we don’t experience it, then it’s up to us to uncover that level of consciousness. To do so we have to let go of whatever is preventing us from feeling and sustaining bliss in our lives.

It’s really a matter of picking up the phone and calling that place in ourselves, rather than choosing not to and therefore perpetuating some other, more limited experience....

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Hercules & Unconditional Service

Uncategorized Oct 31, 2024

Holokautoma is a Greek word that means “whole burnt offering,” with the further explanation, “consumed on the altar of dedication to God.” Hercules is generally remembered for his feats of strength, which were actually feats of service. Hercules was a vira, a spiritual warrior whose death was regarded as a perfect one by the Greek gods. He had fully manifested both his mortal and divine nature during his lifetime on earth, and thus, at the end of his life, he himself ended up being the offering into the fire sacrifice on the top of the mountain. In this sense, he was a wholly burnt offering, consumed on the altar of dedication to God.

Intention Put Into Action

The essence of our intention to live in freedom is the offering of ourselves unconditionally to God in both thought and action. We may feel a beautiful desire to serve, and yet the pressures of life may seem to be in conflict with that, or at least have the capacity to derail our commitment to service....

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Śaktipāta and Kuṇḍalinī Transmission

Uncategorized Oct 17, 2024

Śaktipāta is the descent of grace that comes directly from the Divine. We experience it as an awakening of the desire to know our true Self, which leads us to seek a teacher who can provide the energy necessary to allow that initial opening to further unfold. So what exactly is the role of śakti transmission in a student’s sādhana?

To answer that question, let’s take a step back and look at the structure of Consciousness to see how we come into existence. Ultimately, we are nothing other than the manifestation of Pure Consciousness as it expresses itself in individuated form, which is called kuṇḍalinÄŤ śakti. The purpose of that expression is simply the overflowing of the joy of God’s own being, the celebration of the power of Consciousness to express itself in the universe, in form, in individuation. KuṇḍalinÄŤ is literally the individuation of that supreme cosmic force, the power of Consciousness.

Kuṇḍalinī is understood to have three fundamental dimensions: prāṇa...

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What it Means to be a Student

Uncategorized Oct 03, 2024

If you ask me to be your teacher, it’s a declaration of your intention to formalize a relationship that has been developing over time. You may have begun the practice with a casual level of involvement, but have become more actively engaged and consciously committed.  

The Dalai Lama has said, “There are thousands of paths to God, choose one and become a master of it. 

The Value of Commitment 

When you become my student you are affirming that our practice is the path you are choosing on the journey to God. I believe this is the commitment that opens you so that you can more deeply receive Divine Grace. You may experience a more palpable connection to our lineage of teachers. And certainly, you’ve openly declared what you hold as sacred and have committed to freedom. 

While there is sometimes fear associated with making a commitment, it is, in fact, commitment that frees you. There is a tendency to be involved in all kinds of activities in life,...

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What Do You REALLY Want?

Uncategorized Sep 19, 2024

There’s one single purpose in our sādhana—and that’s to know God. My experience is that although it’s also the very purpose of life, it requires tremendous inner clarity to be certain that knowing God is what we really want. As students, we must be honest and ask ourselves: do I really want to know the highest in me?

The real challenge for all of us in our spiritual life is to come to true insight about that, because it requires an unwavering focus and decisive fierceness to hold on to what we say we want. There are millions of reasons to lose sight of our purpose—both within ourselves and while living in the world. The essential problem is that the ego doesn’t want to surrender itself; we as individuals don’t want to surrender our identity. We therefore have to find the part of us that does want to know God, and then make everything else in our life be in support of our wish.

The Power of Our Longing

I’ll never forget being in a room...

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