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You Are an Individuated Expression of the Divine

Uncategorized Nov 07, 2022

Like the continual flow of a waterfall pouring into the basin below it, the liquid light of the Goddess Kuṇḍalinī perpetually articulates Herself as the flow of life, breath, and awareness in each individual - simultaneously filling that individuated expression of Herself with Universal Consciousness.

The purpose of Rudi’s fundamental practice of the double-breath is that of clearing the suᚣumṇa, internalizing our awareness and our energy, and creating a flow within us. By bringing this vital energy to the base of the spine and allowing it to rise, it clears the suᚣumṇa, which is the outer dimension of the central channel. Its efficacy creates the subtle capacity to feel the different dimensions of the center channel that rise to the center of the head, to the crown, and above. The single-breath exercise is the maturation of that extraordinary practice, and it may not be as easily accessible to you if you’re new to our practice. Doing the single-breath does not mean that we don’t do the double-breath anymore, but the advanced practice is my way of helping you understand that there is a perpetual flow taking place.  

There is a verse from the Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra that essentially says, “MahādevÄŤ, supreme Goddess KuṇḍalinÄŤ perpetually articulates herself as life, flow, and breath.” In other words (as shown in the above image) the upper kuṇḍalinÄŤ, this higher force of liquid light, is creating fullness in a basin that fills as the kuṇḍalinÄŤ energy pours into it and reveals itself there.   

The Power of Breath

What happens when that water perpetually flows over into the basin? It fills up. In fact, the water carves a bigger, deeper basin. When we draw energy down from the upper kuṇḍalinÄŤ down into the lower kuṇḍalinÄŤ, we’re filling the kunda with awareness. In reality, She is filling the awareness of Herself into that lower, constrained, limited kuṇḍalinÄŤ so that She can rise back up. The two are never separate. When we inhale a breath, our own awareness is being filled by the energy of that breath. That energy then rises back up, because it is now known to itself, now more accessible to that same dynamic power. The intrinsic awareness and knowledge of the deeper pathways is revealed. As the energy rises and pierces through the granthi in the center of the head, it is penetrating through its own misunderstanding of differentiation.   

Let’s never lose sight of the entire purpose of yogic practice. Our inner discipline is not to become like a muscle man gymnast doing exercises. It is to give us access to the deeper dimensions of śakti and the deeper dimensions of Consciousness that is the source of all that śakti. We have to understand the necessity for mastering our techniques, our exercises, which is gaining the capacity to have access to the deepest dimensions of our own consciousness. The practice of kuṇḍalinÄŤ sādhana is about one thing: freedom from separation and misunderstanding, and freedom from the suffering that is the result of that misunderstanding. There is never a lack of connection between our sādhana and the energy that’s released from it - because that energy is the response called forth from within, us by the grace of God.

With all the challenges that we all face now, I deeply encourage you to not lose sight of God’s purpose.  God’s purpose for each of us is to know the highest in ourselves and in that knowing we can serve our communities and our world in a much greater way.


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